Silver Soul Airlines at Edo International Terminal

  • Silver Soul Airlines at Edo International Terminal

  • Kintoki Belial GoldSugarDemon Sakata

    April 6, 2017 at 5:06 pm

    Gintama’s Silver Soul Airlines at Edo International Terminal (Roleplay Group for Gintama Fanbase, all anime rps welcomed!)

    Welcome to Gintama’s Silver Soul Airlines at Edo International Airport! Get ready for a wild and wacky time as you become a passenger in Edo International Terminal Airport. The Central Terminal is a large facility located in central Edo. It is where most of the spaceships in and out of Edo arrive and depart. It has been given an ‘Architectural Landmark’ status by the Bakufu.
    But be careful Katsura and his group of Anti-Foreign fighters are always trying to blow it up.

  • Kintoki Belial GoldSugarDemon Sakata

    April 6, 2017 at 5:10 pm

    *Preparing for take off*

  • *Momo had gone home and heard that her sister Kagura might coming back to the new world. She stood in the terminal reading the signs. She tilts her head.* I wonder which one of these is her flight? I hope she got good seats. I wonder if she’ll bring Sadaharu!

  • Leukocyte King Sakata (RoyalSugarDemon)

    April 7, 2017 at 6:31 pm

    *Leuko vs the Edo Terminal* Such FIEND!

  • Kintoki Belial GoldSugarDemon Sakata

    April 7, 2017 at 7:11 pm

    *Kin runs to stop Leuko from fighting with the spaceship.* Wait brother! Wait! Leuko!! That’s a spaceship! I’ll explain!! *jumps and tackles him*

  • Leukocyte King Sakata (RoyalSugarDemon)

    April 7, 2017 at 7:14 pm

    *Leuko is swinging when he gets tackled* Release me brother Kin! This is not noble behavior! I must get rid of this virus from spreading! *trying to wiggle free*. Unhand me brother!!

  • Ryoga Hibiki (LostSugarDemonWolf)

    April 29, 2017 at 1:49 am

    *Ryoga looks around* Come someone give me directions please?

  • Tatsuma LaughingSugarDemon Sakamoto (Tatsu)

    April 30, 2017 at 2:35 am

    Ah ah ah! Did you ever find your way Ryoga san?

  • Tatsuma LaughingSugarDemon Sakamoto (Tatsu)

    April 30, 2017 at 2:39 am

    All Aboard!

  • Shuhei Saotome ‡ SanguineVampyruszSugarDemon

    May 6, 2017 at 3:27 am

    *returning home he encounters a very unfavorable species.* Ugh! Not these things!! Time to eliminate these invaders! Hey You’re not wanted here! I have to protect my boxes of ketchup!!

  • Shuhei Saotome ‡ SanguineVampyruszSugarDemon

    May 6, 2017 at 3:35 am

    Don’t just stand there smoking brother TenguTosshi!!! Do something!

  • *facepalms* This terminal is a mess! Someone escort Ryoga through the terminal!! Let’s go get some cans of spray! What the hell? Tatsu! What the hell, you can’t package people into boxes!!!!

  • Welcome to Silver Soul Airlines! *She was telling everyone which terminal they had to be at.*

    // don’t normally use this character but she looks a bit like a mix of me and mommy Helena 😉 //

  • Tatsuma LaughingSugarDemon Sakamoto (Tatsu)

    July 4, 2018 at 2:56 am

    Ah aah aaaah! Kaname niece, could you hand me my ticket. You keep waving it around like a fan and you might end up tossing it away. *sweatdrop*

  • Ecko Haruki =AndroidesSugarSoul= Elric OkumuraSakata

    January 5, 2019 at 5:27 pm

    *Ecko was looking at the signs on the walls of the international terminal. She was learning about this area she had not yet ventured to.* There is such a place? *She looked around and gathered data. She looked at the flight itinerary and all the places that were allowing the space ships to exchange visitors.* How interesting, let’s go see how much these flights are. They must be expensive since the borderlands seem to be a more popular crossing area. Of course, there are other factors to consider.

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