Graveland's Foggy Forest

  • Shuhei Saotome ‡ SanguineVampyruszSugarDemon

    May 6, 2017 at 1:35 am

    A frightening forest filled with a dense fog which hides dangerous creatures. This forest is usually avoided since most of the creatures that didn’t want to be bothered would remain inside the forest. Sometimes one abnormal species would break out and head towards nearby villages to terrorize and kill the villages. To avoid this the GrandSugarclan family constantly patrolled the outer area of the Foggy Forest and would fight the beasts who would cause harm to the nearby villagers.

  • Shuhei Saotome ‡ SanguineVampyruszSugarDemon

    May 6, 2017 at 1:40 am

    *When Shuhei notices danger, he becomes more serious. He follows a suspicious group into a foggy forest. He can see their figures through the mist.* These must be the men brother Thorny Toshi asked me to follow. *he kept a safe distance, while he reported silently into his radio that he hand found the suspects they had been seeking.* I found the ones who tried to assassinate the shogun! Back up requested it’s a large group! *he gave his location and then continued deeper into the forest so he wouldn’t lost track of them. He would look around to make sure he wasn’t detected by any other creatures. Even with his vampire and demon eyes he had a hard time seeing through the fog. He relied mostly on his hearing and did his best to follow quietly along.* I wish Zenzou was here. He would be great at this.

  • *Toshizo senses his brother Shuhei is deep within the foggy forest. He finishes off some degenerate vampires that tried to get into a small nearby village.* He should have waited for me. Tch! *he looks at the blood on his sword.* I suppose we’ll be doing a little more damage before the night is over. *He wanted to focus on his sis Helena. He had a feeling she might do something after learning that brother-in-law Gin was still among those who had not returned. He sighs.* I’m so busy with all these tasks. At least I know she’s fighting pirates at Pendulum Port! *he then disappeared as he sped through the forest in search of his brother.*

  • Shuhei Saotome ‡ SanguineVampyruszSugarDemon

    June 3, 2017 at 4:47 pm

    *He sensed danger heading towards his body. He could here the swoosh of an arrow and it narrowly missed him, had he not jumped out of the way. He looked looked around quickly and snatched the arrow out of the tree.* Damn it! *he couldn’t see anyone but he could hear footsteps and then the scent of a human. A strong human that was for some reason, hunting him.* What the hell? *He didn’t want to shout out and tell him he wasn’t hostile since he wasn’t sure why this human was shooting arrows at him. Nor could he tell how he was able to see where he had been standing. Shuhei decided it would be best to keep moving. * Could this be the human vampire hunter I encountered before? If so, there’s no reasoning with him.

  • Shuhei Saotome ‡ SanguineVampyruszSugarDemon

    June 30, 2017 at 3:08 am

    // testing //

  • *Thorny Toshi could sense his brother and heard the arrow. His abilities had been enhanced since his instincts told him there was danger in the area. The fog was so dense that the top of the tall trees couldn’t be seen when a person looked above. He used that as cover as he quietly jumped from one tree to the next. He made sure not to rattle any leaves. He sniffed the air and could tell there was one strong human heading towards his brother. This human was silents, strong, and ruthless. He could smell the blood of different animals and vampires on his daggers. He felt his brother was at a bit of disadvantage so he quickly headed in his direction and quietly approached him. He didn’t speak to his brother, he simply moved his eyes in the direction of where the danger was coming from and then grabbed at his arm and pulls his brother away from the area quietly as they could possibly be. There was a mountain nearby and they headed for higher ground. As soon as Toshi felt that he and his brother Shuhei were at a distance, he took the arrow from him and smelled it.* It’s the same guy! He’s dangerous brother! He doesn’t care if he kills friend or foe. He’s out for blood. I wonder if he is in a vengeful mindset or he was breed to be a vampire hunter or worse, a hunter of monsters. We would be be monsters to him. There weren’t others with him, so he is a seasoned professional. We need to get out of here and research the lineage of the vampire hunters or any hunters that might have ancestors in this area before we decide how to deal with him. He could become a friend or be a dangerous foe. *he then pointed further up the mountain. There are goat grazing up there which will cover our footsteps. He whispers. I don’t know what abilities this hunter has and we wont take chances. Let’s escape in that direction and regroup back at the school in our empire where there might be an archive!
    *with this Thorny Toshi moved forward up the mountain and hoped his brother followed quickly behind him.*

  • Shuhei Saotome ‡ SanguineVampyruszSugarDemon

    July 29, 2017 at 3:11 pm

    *Shuhei understood and he follows quickly behind his brother until they could see some clearing of the fog ahead of them. Once they go up a small passage of trees they made their way down the other side of the mountain. He stops and listens to his radio. He had gotten some new from Sougo.* Brother, I’ll head over to Satou Arcanum, I must speak to one of the gods about this hunter. Then we have to go home, it seems we have some good news after all. Let’s get out of here. We don’t want to be caught in this hunter’s wrath. We’ll deal with him later. * So they proceeded back to their home and would investigate the hunter at a further time.*

  • Sirene 《GarrasSeductorasSugarFiend》

    September 10, 2019 at 9:38 am

    **heavy rain in the foggy forest**

  • Sirene 《GarrasSeductorasSugarFiend》

    January 8, 2020 at 1:43 pm

    Diana: *She chased the irksome monsters into a quiet area. The further she walked in, the foggier it was.* I keep stepping into these strange situations! Ugh! I just wanted to sleep a little longer! I’ll make you pay for your insolence!! But what were those noisy birds in the sky. *She was referring to the missiles. She could feel she was being watched.* I see a sly one! You can’t hide from me!

  • Koneko (CordatusSatouUltharian) Katakura

    April 2, 2020 at 9:09 pm

    *Following leads that were reported at the 13th Bureu. Koneko took a walk around areas of the Foggy Forest. The places wasn’t foggy at the time, everything there was quiet and there was nothing to report at the moment but he continued to do some searching, just in case there was something he hadn’t noticed.*

  • Isao “Gori” Kondo (GorillaSugarDemon)

    October 31, 2020 at 10:48 pm

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