Città Infernal

  • *Bezaliel notices the car moving back and touches it with the tip of his finger surrounding the car and making it a shadow of objects nearby. Virtually an invisible car, not even the passenger can be seen as long as he’s inside. He makes a shadow note for Oga that appears on his palm and then slowly disappears after he reads it. Then Yami and Oga begin their entrance through the tunnel and into the city.*

  • Mephisto FaustianSugarDemon Pheles Sakata

    October 31, 2018 at 3:08 am

    *Mephy felt a familiar aura near him, it was strong and vibrant. He heard the wings and looked over to see Beelzebub. He grinned and took off his hat bowing.* The prince of Hell arrives! *he sees the demon oat the other side of the city.* I am afraid that one is my prey, your highness. Carry on! *Since he wasn’t in on the plans he wasn’t sure what was happening but he understood by looking at the shape baby Beel had morphed into he was there to command Satan’s Army. It made him think that perhaps there was something at work and he was not about to get in the way. He would focus on Sargatanas.* Are you here as my tour guide? How kind of you brother Sargatanas!

  • *Beelzebub looked over to Mephisto and that was the end of the acknowledgement. He knew Mephy would have to figure it out for himself. Beelzebub walked past Sargatanas and then stopped to look at Gehenna’s Gate. There stood Satan’s lesser Army. But he was also waiting for Yami and Bezaliel.*

  • Sargatanas: *Bows before Beelzebub. He wasn’t aware that Baby Beel was one of the guests that Lord Satan had referred to. He recognized him as a the prince of hell and would not go against him. He watched Beelzebub for a short moment then turned his attention to Mephisto.* Don’t jest with me you fashionista punk! I’m here to crush you. You don’t get to see Belial! And you wont get past me!

  • Yukio Ginpachi WiseAzureFlameSugarDemon OkumuraSakata

    October 31, 2018 at 3:25 am

    *Yukio drove close enough to the side of the city but within view of Gehenna’s Gates. He was a bit shocked when he noticed what Beelzebub looked like in that morphed state. He almost ran into a tree. But he couldn’t afford any mistakes so he skidded a bit and then continue to speed past that direction taking the car in a circle followed by the demonic train that was trying to run them over and next to that and jumping on to the train was a large group of demons.*

  • *This was Beelzebub’s cue.*

  • Rintoki BlueFlameSugarDemon OkumuraSakata

    October 31, 2018 at 3:39 am

    *Rintoki jumps out of the moving car and stands in front of the train he takes his sword and growls a bit. * Finally! I was getting motion sickness with Yukio’s driving! It’s time for some action. *He ran towards the train jumping up and forward, raising his arm and bringing his sword down on the front part of the train car. This caused it to tilt over practically squashing a league of demons that were coming for them and knocking over most of the army and causing great confusion. He then turned and ran towards the car again.* HAHAHA

  • Mephisto FaustianSugarDemon Pheles Sakata

    October 31, 2018 at 3:41 am

    *Mephisto was pleased by the mayhem that was caused.* I see! *he grinned and decided it was time to do his part.* You want a fight with me Sargatanas, then by all means, bring it on!

  • *In all the mayhem no one noticed when Beelzebub had slipped back into the tunnel morphed into baby Beel and looked for Oga near the car.*

  • Yukio Ginpachi WiseAzureFlameSugarDemon OkumuraSakata

    October 31, 2018 at 3:45 am

    *He noticed when Rintoki jumped on the hood of the car*  Damn it Rintoki! That was overkill but it was awesome! *he laughed.* Brace yourself. *he then speed up to find the others that were heading towards the city.*

  • Oga Tatsumi (CruelSugarBeast)

    October 31, 2018 at 3:53 am

    *Gets out of the car and grabs Baby Beel quickly and puts him in the car.* No one will see us here! You did great! Just look at that chaos over there! heh *grins*

  • *Smiles and hugs Oga*

  • Sargatanas: I’ll squash you like I should have done so many eons ago!! *Wanting to feel himself gripping Mephy’s neck and crushing it. He runs towards Mephy with an astonishing speed for his bulky body.*

  • Mephisto FaustianSugarDemon Pheles Sakata

    October 31, 2018 at 4:11 am

    *Mephy wouldn’t let Sargatanas get that close. He knew it was dangerous to have him physically close to him. Now he realized all he had to do was keep him busy and far from Gehenna’s Gates. He summoned his black and purple pentagrams and hurled them at Sargatanas in an attempt to bind him or even trip him. While he moved slightly away so that Sargatanas would follow.*

  • Sargatanas: *He formed flames spears with his hand and hurled them at Mephy and his pentagrams* How dare you use that symbol against me!!! *he almost tripped on one of Mephy’s magical symbols* GRRR!!

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