Origin of the spaceship

  • Tatsuma LaughingSugarDemon Sakamoto (Tatsu)

    December 13, 2019 at 8:52 pm

    Origin of S.U.G.A.R. Spaceship

    *Sakamoto was a frequent space-traveler, after his last ship was destroyed he commissioned a new one that he could use to carry large cargo and have enough space to take his family travelling if they desired to leave any planet they had been on. But he was normally away since he was always negotiating trades with other outer space merchants.

    In his latest trip he had taken some of the clan members on a tour with him of other planets in order to show them the places he had scene but because they also had their own motivations for travel.

    Once he returned he would indulge any of the clan members who wanted to go out with him and explore in space.*

  • Hikari Asukahime Inoue (TangerineBurstWarriorSugarFairy)

    December 17, 2019 at 6:20 am

    // Excellent! Honored to be here! //

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