Hades: Shinigami & Spirit World

  • Hades: Shinigami & Spirit World

  • Welcome to Hades: Shinigami & Spirit World! (RP ONLY)
    Hades: Shinigami & Spirit World is the intermediate place of existence where immortal souls abide.
    Several Shinigami (gods of death / grim reapers) and Spirit World Leaders have decided to create a special network with one another to allow interaction with humans with special abilities, demons, angels or other creatures of the world to work together for the protection of the different realms.
    This world is mainly inhabited by spirits. The spirit world is regarded as an external environment for spirits. Although independent from the natural world, both the spirit world and the natural world are in constant interaction.
    Please be respectful to your fellow shinigami and human guests.
    1: Have Fun!
    2: Be nice to your fellow members
    3: Please RP as if you are shinigami / spirit world or doing a mission for these worlds.

  • *Sesshomaru was seeking answers about family that went missing during the Graveland battles against Satan. He stood at the doors of the Netherworld, he looks up at the twin guardians at the door. And before they can even tell him that he cannot pass he holds up his sword Tenseiga, the heavenly fang.* Let me in! I wish to have an audience with Hadesu!

  • Ukyo Hadesu JadeSugarDemon Moroboshi

    April 8, 2017 at 3:27 am

    Hadesu: *The twin guardians of the underworld passage bow before Sesshomaru and open the doors for him to enter. Hadesu is summoned to the entryway and he meets Lord Sesshomaru.* Lord Sesshomaru Bokyosei, once again you enter Hades with such commanding presence. Please, follow me. We shall speak of whatever might concern you. *leads him to an area where there are several thrones, and a throne made of skull and bones for Hadesu. *he points to one close to him.* Come, you may sit here!

  • *Sesshomaru walks closer but refuses to take a seat.* Forgive me Hadesu! What I wish to inquire will only take a moment and once you set me on my path I will not make haste. Therefore, I request to remain standing. After the battle of at gravelands, some members of my family have vanished and although some have returned, there is not trace of others. Where might they be? I shall seek them out and bring them home.

  • Ukyo Hadesu JadeSugarDemon Moroboshi

    April 8, 2017 at 3:37 am

    Hadesu: *Admiring Sesshomaru, he acknowledges his request to remain standing.* Very well Lord Sesshomaru Bokyosei, there are parallel worlds which make up the universe. Some will find themselves in universes that they have never known. If you have spoken to the family members that have returned, you will know they arrived from Satou Arcanum. These are portals or gates opened by Helena. Most places are safe but some are hostile. I believe that there are members of your family searching for others there as we speak and successfully finding them. You must show patience in this matter. As for Helena, she was among the gods recovering from her injuries but Father Time fears her powers and has decided Helena must undergo a test. Therefore, I may not tell you about her whereabouts. The others are neither in Satou Arcanum nor in Hell. They are caught in the devil’s playground, a place called The Road to Gehenna. Since you have come this way. I shall show you how to enter but I am not responsible if you are not able to return. Do you, Lord Sesshomaru Bokyosei, wish to enter The Road to Gehenna?

  • *Sesshy listens carefully to Hadesu’s words doesn’t hesitate to make his decision.* My will shows no hesitation. I will move forward into the devil’s playground. You need not worry about whether I shall return. I assure you, nothing will keep me from returning. *His gaze towards Hadesu is confident and unflinching.*

  • Ukyo Hadesu JadeSugarDemon Moroboshi

    April 8, 2017 at 3:45 am

    Hadesu: I admire your resolution. You’re one of earth’s finest creatures. I shall show you the passageway but it’s only an entryway. It’s a point of no return. You shall have to find the others on your own. The devil’s playground is no small dimension. Maintain your wits Lord Sesshomaru and the blessing of the gods be with you. *lets him enter the Road to Gehenna. Hadesu then returns to tending to the dead.*

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