Adventures in Sindria Kingdom / The woman who fell from the sky

  • Adventures in Sindria Kingdom / The woman who fell from the sky

  • Helena SweetSeraphimDeaSugarDemon Okumura-Sakata

    April 26, 2017 at 10:48 pm

    *Helena looked up at Sinbad and she sweetly smiled back at him. When he took her hand this time, she didn’t feel tension and she felt safe. He was truly sorry.* I forgive you my darling king! *she put his hand near her cheek and then stands to walk with him as they head outside. She could sense the dimensional portal as Masrur and Ja’far approached and told them about it. She knew it was her way home.* Sinbad! *she looks at him* I’m sure I can come back and visit. I know how to get here now. *She giggles as she sees others snuck onto the ship to see her leave.* Gomen minna! It’s time for me to head back home. *She looks at Sinbad* I really do love you like a son! *She then felt several souls jump into the vessel that was given to her by Masrur. And she was anxious as she approached the portal. She turned to the others.* I’m so glad I met you all! Domo arigato! *she bows* You have shown me a beautiful kingdom with wonderful people.

  • Kiyoshi Sinbad Teppei Kondo (GuardianSugarDemon)

    April 26, 2017 at 10:54 pm

    *Kiyoshi blushed when he heard Helena’s words.* If you love me as a son, then I will accept that as a blessing. *He then looks at everyone else.* So you all got onto the ship without telling me? *He had to chuckle as he playfully scolded them. He noticed the strange shape of a door or portal that was in the sky.* Helena? Are you able to reach that portal? *He picks her up and flies up to it. And holds her near the door. He hugs her and then let’s her go.* Bon voyage! Please don’t forget us! Until we meet again! *he would wave as he flew back to his ship. Sinbad would never marry after his meeting with Helena.*

  • Helena SweetSeraphimDeaSugarDemon Okumura-Sakata

    April 26, 2017 at 10:59 pm

    *Helena hugged Sinbad back and kissed his cheek.* Please take care of yourself and everyone! *She would wave and throw kisses to everyone as she felt herself being pulled into the portal. And then it slowly closed. She felt herself heading straight to Satou Arcanum. Her vessel glows as the figures of her members missing from their home would slowly appear next to her. Shuhei, Kiyoshi, Tetsuya, and Xeryus had been dwelling in the people she felt were familiar to her and she was taking them home with her. She would smile and hold the vessel close to her heart.* Let’s go home minna!

  • Kiyoshi Sinbad Teppei Kondo (GuardianSugarDemon)

    April 26, 2017 at 11:01 pm

    // RP closed until Helena decides to return. Arigato minna! 🙂 //

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