Forum Replies Created

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  • Roronoa Zoro (PirateHunterSugarBeast)

    August 22, 2020 at 7:53 am

    *He notices others had sat in the TV Den and he decides to make himself cozy there for a little while until he either felt like going out again or he decided to stay in and sleep.*

  • Roronoa Zoro (PirateHunterSugarBeast)

    January 27, 2020 at 9:35 pm

    *He was eating some food provided at the temporary hide out when the priest appeared. Something about him gave him chills. They nodded at each other. He remembered reading nothing bad could enter the barrier surrounding the shelter. So he wondered to himself , if he was just uncomfortable because the man was a priest. He continued to eat and watched him meditate. He wasn’t doing anything suspicious so Zoro dismissed his uneasy thoughts and focused on survival and getting more information from the notes others left behind.* @fatherpucci

  • Roronoa Zoro (PirateHunterSugarBeast)

    January 26, 2020 at 1:10 am

    // solo act… Zoro’s appearance//

    *Zoro had parted ways with Luffy and the crew for a while. He often disappeared and would return later. This time was a little different, he had gotten on a ship that he believed to be headed to his birthplace East Blue. He had some unfinished business there he wanted to settle but the universe had other plans for him. The ship traveled for a long time. There was a lot of shipmates on board. There was no lack of signing, drunkenness and plenty of stops along the way. One night as he was sleeping there was a strange silence. As Zoro headed on deck, he realized the ship was in the middle of the ocean alone. Zoro ran back and forth looking for anyone who might be on board but there wasn’t a soul on board with him. He figured he would steer the ship but with his sense of direction things might just not work out as planned. There was a dark fog ahead and he tried to steer away from it but no matter where he turned the ship, the fog seemed to surround him. Then the ship began to whirl until Zoro was too dizzy to stand. He sat on the ships floor trying to keep an eye open, the ship began to come apart. Zoro grabbed on to the steering wheel and looked around. There was nothing else to grab on to. Then his sword began to glow. He grabbed on to it.* It’s odd you would react to this but please, help me get safely to land. *The sword would glow even brighter and allowed him to cut around the ship leaving him with a piece wide enough to hold him, a wave came and pushed him onto the shore. It had battered him against some trees. Since he was holding on to his sword, the sword kept him from being dragged back into the ocean. This is where, as he opened his good eye, he found himself in a strange land and some creatures looking at him like he was going to be their next meal. He pulled the sword from the tree that had anchored him and began to fight. He fought until many of the creatures backed off. Then he ran, this time, rather than following his sense of direction, he followed the glow of the sword. It led him straight to where Tamaki hovered over a temporary shelter, where he decided to take refuge, find some answers and rest for the night.*

  • Roronoa Zoro (PirateHunterSugarBeast)

    January 15, 2020 at 2:37 pm

    // Thank you beautiful lady Helena!

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