
  • Bakura Darkwing

    December 18, 2015 at 6:05 pm

    Felix raised an eyebrow at the odd being below him “Well aren’t you a cheery one” he floated down, landing behind Mars so that the two were back to back and took another sip of tea “The bookcase on the far right, bottom shelf, third one in from the left…oh you haven’t asked that question yet have you…I do get my tenses muddled sometimes…can you smell fish fingers…do fish even have fingers?” he remained stock still for a moment as though he were pondering his own question, after a few seconds he faded away, leaving his cup to fall to the floor, however before it had a chance to smash, it evaporated into smoke and Felix reappeared, stepping out from behind a bookshelf humming to himself “…and the mome raths out grabe”

  • Xallacasor

    December 19, 2015 at 1:34 pm

    “Ah, the future is so often a troublesome thing…” Mars smiled. “I tend to stick away from divination, besides mana burn… Jabberwocky, is it? Quite a good one, quite a good one. What might be of your name, if you do not mind my asking?” As Mars said this, a small finger beckoned the book towards him, conjuring up a small ramp upon which the book slid directly into his arms. With a wave of his hand, the illusion was dispelled, and Mars returned his inquisitive gaze to Felix.

  • Bakura Darkwing

    December 19, 2015 at 1:55 pm

    “hmm, oh my name is…give me a second, it’s in here somewhere” he took the book from Mars and began to flick through it’s pages “Ah, there I am, page 42, Felix Risio…but you call me…mangy furball, no that only happened…happens the once, mostly you just call me Felix” Felix hugged the book to his chest and smiled “and you are Marshall…or do you prefer Mars…shall I call you Marshy or Marshan’t or that cheery wizard dude…except maybe not that last one” he chuckled slightly to himself

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