The Roleplay

  • The Roleplay

     cedertree updated 10 years, 1 month ago 11 Members · 47 Posts
  • sj3000

    February 27, 2014 at 9:42 pm

    Glancing at his damaged work, Leon scratched the back of his head, and then spoke up, “Oh, right, here’s your pen back, by the way. Most of my works are like this-well, without the tear, of course. I’ve never really practiced with drawing people, and in art class, they never really had anything focusing toward things like that.” Just as he finished his sentence, a fairly large figure with black fur approached from the direction of the Alpha lounge; he had clothes and a jacket not too different from Leon’s, and a reasonably built frame. He seemed giant compared to Leon, but then again, most people did. Patting Leon on the shoulder, he commented, “Well, well, well. You’re finally hanging out with a lady of your own. I’m proud of you, big bro.”
    Leon responded, seeming to shrink even more due to embarrassment, “Uhh, yeah, Damian, but it’s not like that.”
    “Well hey, I didn’t say it was, you’re the one who brought it up,” Damian replied with a smirk on his face.
    This really hit Leon, and he seemed unable to respond, his calm exterior all but broken, simply by the presence of his brother.
    “Hey, scoot over so I can join in on the conversation,” Damian stated. His attitude seemed innocent enough, with just a bit of arrogance on his own part, but it was obvious that he seemed to even look up to his older brother.

  • cedertree

    March 11, 2014 at 4:53 am

    (deleted by Cedertree because it was rather unnecessary for me to make this post, will change this to an actual RP post when the group picks up again)

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