
  • NikkiUncensored

    July 3, 2014 at 7:08 pm

    This is the beautiful God profile I’ve been trying to make.

    Name: Aquila Altair

    Age: 18 (On Earth) UNKNOWN (in the afterlife)

    Gender: Girl/Boy

    Personality: Seems calm, but actually he’s freaking crazy… He is a good actor though, you never really know his true goals unless you catch him doing something. Before you figure it out, he is nice, calm and rational. You never really see him as a nuisance, but when you find him out.. he’s crazy, evil, and rational.

    Appearance: Boy: Black leather jacket, gray shirt, blue skinny jeans, and boots… He looks like the lead of some high school romance romcom.

    Girl: Blonde long hair, and orange eyes. She wears a nice romper dress lookin’ thing, and a black leather jacket. She also wears booties for shoes. She has sharp but delicate fetures and she’s hella beautiful.

    Game-player or crime fighter: Poses as a game-player

    2 abilities you will choose: SHE/HE HAS EVERY SINGLE POWER!! But she reveals the powers of stopping time for 5 minutes, and she has telekinesis.

    Location (where you live.. apartment, house..etc): Anywhere

    Angel or Devil: As a boy poses in front of angels, poses as a girl in front of demons

    Weapons if any: Any

    Where is your tattoo: On her neck for angels, on her thigh for demons (she/he can hide them)

    ((S/H can split her girl and boy forms apart))

    Mission: To destroy the human kind….

  • DolimiccanDragon

    August 7, 2014 at 9:32 pm

    Name: John Egbert

    Age: 14

    Gender: Male

    Personality: Pretty much the same as canon John. Friendly, witty, can be dorky at times, etc. Only difference is he’s a bit more helpful.


    Game-player or crime fighter: Player

    2 abilities you will choose: Able to control the wind, flight

    Location (where you live.. apartment, house..etc): A house in a large neighborhood.

    Angel or Devil: Angel

    Weapons if any: Tends to prefer hammers.

    Where is your tattoo: Right arm.

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