Waterfall Cave

  • Waterfall Cave

  • Apple Marigold [Vox#DominoBug]

    November 14, 2018 at 8:43 pm

    //A pretty cave behind a waterfall, normally used for practicing musical instruments, or sometimes for romantic serenades. A Vacant/Occupied sign outside informs people if the cave is occupied or not. Watch for pointy rocks!

  • Kyouko Kasodani

    December 10, 2018 at 7:07 am

    *Kyouko visits the forest seeking a quiet place to meditate and collect her thoughts. She discovers the waterfall and enters the cave behind it, sitting cross-legged on the stone ground and breathing deeply.*

    When lost, do not panic. If I would be unable to return to Myouren Temple for Hijirimas, I should make an effort to celebrate it in this world instead of focusing my efforts on getting back home. No, I shouldn’t. Yes, I should. No, I shouldn’t! *Her mind is in disarray. She takes another breath and tries to clear her thoughts.*

    That angel cake was really something. Perhaps this world isn’t all that bad, at least past the borderlands. I should look for a temple here instead, or if I can’t find one, then start one. Spreading my master’s teachings sounds like the right thing to do in a foreign land.

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