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Yuliy Jirov * ArcofSiriusOboroten'GalactoseBestiariasz



My Information


Fullname: Yuliy Jirov
Species: Sirius Werewolf / Part Human
Parents: Sachi and Alexei (deceased)
Older Brother: Mikhail

BirthDate: Dec. 15th (Sagittarius)

Proud Member of the SugarBeast Faction of the GrandSugarClan
ClanName: ArcofSiriusOboroten’SugarBeast

Personality: A bit of a lone wolf until he reunites with his big brother. He’s quiet and only engages in small conversations. He’s impulsive and goes off into battles alone. When he’s fighting he’s reckless and ruthless. He has a strong hatred for vampires but given his big brother is one, he has to learn to curve this hatred. Despite all this, he’s very kind and caring. He’s left-handed, sensitive to the cold and self-taught himself to use his custom weapon.

Basics: In the old world Yuliy and Mikhail lived with their parents in Dogsville. Tragedy struck when their village was ambushed by vampires. Their mother was killed and the boys ran away to fend for themselves except that Mikhail and Yuliy would be separated while they were on the run.

Jumping ahead, to the present. After the brothers were reunited they were mysteriously transported via a vortex to a new world where their adventure separated them once more. Yuliy fought his way desperately through many monsters til he reached Sanguinarium Society where he was united with his brother again. His brother Mikhail was under the influence of vicious vampires for a while but he was able to win him back.
They soon began their new adventures together in SkyrieVerse.

Powers/Abilities: Has the Physiology of a werewolf. Superhuman sense of smell, superhuman strength, superhuman agility and superhuman endurance. High tolerance for pain. When enraged his beast blood makes him uncontrollable.

Weapon: Three-section staff and Arc of Sirius.

Alliances: V Shipping Company / GrandSugarClan

// Note: Original character story is from Sirius the Jaeger.
The rest of the fanfiction is from my imagination once they appear in the borderlands.
Not seeking romantic relationships. No messages/no chats.