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NaktisTeowulf (Wolf) Aoiyoru-OkumuraSakata 🐺 VilkasBloodGalactoseBestiarusz



My Information


Full Name: Naktis Wolf Aoiyoru-OkumuraSakata
Before being adopted his name was simply Wolf or Jack.
Member SugarBeast Branch of the GrandSugarClan
ClanName: VilkasBloodSugarBeast
Birthday: Oct. 11th
Height: 167 cm / Weight: 67 kg/ Blood type: O
Race: Human/Werewolf/Demon
Father: Wolfram (King of the Demon World Acropolis)
Best Friend: Staz C.
Adoptive Family:
Father: NightSyn
Mother: Harumiya Xenovia
brothers: NoshtStaz, Nocturnus, Summaneus, NachtLicht, and NoctyxValt

Abilities: Strength, Speed
Weapons: Magic, Iron rod

Former location: Demon World Acropolis

Wolf had been abandoned by his parents for not being a pure blooded werewolf. This made him loathe his father Wolfram and the world around him. Having to live on his own for so long he became an experienced street fighter. He wanted to conquer all the territory in the Lower Demon World so that he could prove his strength, and be finally accepted by the same family who abandoned him, including his father. He eventually learned that he indeed is a pure blooded werewolf and his father actually abandoned in the hopes that Wolf would not survive and not become a challenge to his throne.

During this complex time in wolf’s life, Staz appeared and had quickly become his rival in strength. At first considering him an enemy that would interfere in his plans, later he began to admire Staz until eventually they became close friends.

Wolf has a mildly-short temper. He’s very caring even though he demonstrates a rough outer personality. He’s also powerful and strong-willed but acknowledges he’s not as strong as Staz.

As he appears in the new world with Staz, eventually they find Staz’s father NightSyn and Wolf ends up living with them until he is eventually adopted by NightSyn and becomes a brother to Staz.