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Name: Melone
Stand: Baby Face
Height: 5 ft 9 in
Nationality: Italian
Occupation: Passione Hitmank
Basics: He’s polite in most circumstances but can also be lecherous. He does everything with a special kind of cold professionalism and enjoys physically inspecting his future victims. He looks at them more like cattle to breed his stand than fellow human beings.
When things go as planned or exceed his expectations he becomes jovial and exclaims “Di Molto!”
He prefers hit-and-run tactics or laying traps doesn’t really resort to violence. He even advises his Stand to flee instead of continuing to fight.
Melone is well-versed in pseudosciences used to divine things such as character compatibility or a future child’s characteristics.

Alliance: Member of La Squadra Esecuzioni; Antagonist of JJBA/ GSC