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The Basics

Display Name

John Totallyhomo Egbert



Date of Birth

April 13, 1996

My Information




United States

Interested In

New Friends, Roleplaying, Gaming



[[ Hi! My name is Forrest or Hunter, call me whichever.
My john is “Totally homo”
I ship him with (Greatest to Least) :
-Dadbert (hehehe)

My john is 16 and he gets really bullied and he burns himself constantly but nobody knows yet, though he covers it up with a happy mask, hes usually a sort of fake cheery but nobody notices. He still loves to pull pranks, and thinks the worst prank is to give someone a cake his dad made, mostly because hes absolutely sure it isn’t icing. John has a fear of dummies, dolls and clowns due to a rather terrifying incident he had. He can be really shy at first but he gets really friendly once he talks to people more often. John also has an anxiety of dark places, so he sleeps with a nightlight.
My John also almost NEVER takes off his breath hoodie, mostly because it makes him feel really safe at times. He also had a stuffed animal of a yellow salamander in his backpack just in case of anxiety attacks.
He has asthma, so gets almost gets an asthma attack when hes freaked out, out in the sun too long (dehydrated) or if hes running way too much.
John also has a strong build on his biceps, since he usually does a lot of D.I.Y projects which include heavy equipment such as a hammer.

& Feel free to talk to me out of character if you would like!
<3 Hunter ]]