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The Basics

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Leone Abbacchio +SoldatoArdenteGalactoseBestiarusz+



My Information


Fullname: Leone Abbacchio
last name pronounced: Abakkio
Stand: Moody Blues
Birthdate: March 25, 1980 (Aries) / Chinese Zodiac: Monkey
Height: 6ft 2in
Race: Human / Nationality: Italian
Bloodtype: A
Hair: white/lavendar eyes: blue/yellow/violet
Occupation: Passione Soldato / formerly poliziotto
Favorite Movie: Swing Blade
Favorite foods: white wine, ruchetta salad, margherita pizza and anything from SugarSweet Bakery & Cafe.
Personality: Somber, quite bitter. Suspicious of everyone. Usually very serious. Loyal to those he deems worthy.

Affiliations: Passione Gang, Member of the SugarBeast Branch and JJBA BizarroSugar Division of the GrandSugarClan

Eventually arrives in Skyrieverse with GioGio and Bruno

Note: Full original anime/manga character info here:
//Other non-canon details will be added later or will be noticed in rps.//