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Coello Ramurr



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Your name is COELLO RAMURR and you are pretty fucking adorable.
You are 7.5 SWEEPS OLD and you’re really fond of WANDERING, almost completely around the forests in which you live.
Speaking of where you live, your hive is pretty much a hole in the ground. And your lusus, a massive wolpertinger (basically, a rabbit with antlers, wings, and fangs), is your usual seat when you are in the hive because he is huge and comfortable.
You are also extremely fond of ARTSY FLASH GAMES and REALLY GOOD MOVIES whenever you are in your hive.
People typically view you as very nice, but you also happen to CURSE AN ABSOLUTE FUCKTON, often in CREATIVE AND WEIRD AS SHIT WAYS.
You pick up your weapons, which are lying on the floor, and equip them, reminding you that your strife specibus is 2XKATARKIND, which is fortunate, as it also reminds you of how good you are with them.
You tend to be rather shy, but if you are backed into a corner, you are very capable of lashing out, although you prefer to talk things out, which has led to you being an emotional helper among any small circles of friends you have.
Your FETCH MODUS is the MUSIC MODUS, which requires you to play a certain series of notes on your PAN FLUTE to bring up an item, fortunately, your skill with this instrument is rather passable.
Your typing quirk capitalizes all Bs in honor of your buck teeth and replaces Ts with 7, which is your favorite number.
Your ancestor was one known as THE WANDERER, who was a well-paid high-blood’s servant until he decided to run away to help those in need, giving money, protection with his katars (which are now yours), and occasionally even emotional help.
What a cool dude, but, unfortunately, in the end, he was slain by a bounty hunter hired by his former high-blood boss for running away.
You would like to be just like him when you grow up!
Except for that last part.
When or if you ever enter Sgrub, you are a Prospit dreamer with the title of Prince of Breath, and your planet will/would be the Land of Feathers and Zeppelins.