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Hyousuke Kiyoshi, previously known as Akihiko Genji, was born on august 17th in Wutai. He spent his first four years of life in relative tranquility, testing his limits just as any other child would do. Although, one and a half years of his memory are a total blank, due to being so young. His parents being two brilliant minds, traveled to Midgar for the first time when he was a little under a year old, to work for Shin-Ra. There, Akihiko was quickly taken from his parents by professors Hojo and Hollander, becoming subjected to several painful experiments. His mother and father worked tirelessly to find him, stealing their young son back a little over a year and a half later. Afterward, his parents fled back to Wutai, changing their names. Akihiko Genji became known as Hyousuke. His parents raising him normally, while always keeping an ear out for Shin-Ra. The eldest of three, Hyousuke was a bright, gentle and charming young man with abnormally high athletic ability. His body healed rapidly from cuts and bruises due to the experimentation; while natural flexibility allowed him to be quite the scamp, climbing trees and buildings just to get a clear view and test himself.

As a boy, Hyousuke loved to explore and play with the other children, especially his twin sisters Tia and Tanzu. At the age of eight, after his family had received a visit from two men in black suits, Hyousuke was told they had to migrate from Wutai in search of employment, something the young child understood a little. However Hyousuke became the sole support for his younger siblings after a so-called ‘accident’ claimed the lives of his parents shortly after their arrival in the great city of Midgar. This accident, orchestrated by those black-suited people known to the world as the TURKS and ordered from their higher-ups in Shin-Ra. The accident was supposed to claim the lives of the entire family, but guilt and fate allowed the three innocent children’s lives to be spared.

With nowhere else to go and no relatives to support the three children, Hyousuke, Tanzu and Tia where placed into an orphanage where the three spent the next year living happily with the other children. Days went by, children around them started getting adopted by loving families from both above and below the plate. But Hyousuke, Tia and Tanzu stayed relatively close together, Hyousuke making sure that if they were to be adopted, they’d stick together. However, only nine years old at the time, he tried not to notice or watch as people fussed over his younger twin sisters who had just turned five. Their long dark hair and radiant eyes making them desirable over his cheeky, mischievous ways and short scruffy hair. Hyousuke firmly believed that nobody would try split them up, that it wasn’t right to do so.

One day, while Hyosuke was out gathering fire wood with some of the other boys, Tanzu and Tia where selected by a family from above the plate and the paperwork filled out. Hyousuke returning just in time to see his sisters being lead away by their new family. Angered and confused, he lashed out and tried to hurt the father, throwing several punches and using his natural skill to land a barrage of blows before being pulled back and held down until the father left. Furious and upset, Hyousuke fled the orphanage and ran to his favorite spot where he broke down into tears for several hours; an elder boy, Daniko, finding him and bringing him back as night fell.

Months passed without a word from his sisters in their new home, yet still he waited for word or a sign from them. Steadily, the separation from Tia and Tanzu began to take its toll, Hyousuke becoming quiet and drawing back into himself, avoiding others and tending to keep to himself when families came by or becoming violent and lashing out. Daniko, the boy who had brought him back and the unofficial ‘leader’ of the orphan children, becoming his only trusted friend before slowly bringing out the gentle side of Hyousuke once again. When Daniko became old enough to apply for the SOLDIER recruitment program, he left Hyousuke in charge of the orphanage, promising to send money back to improve the lives of those still there.

Life improved after that, Daniko’s money keeping the orphanage running when times where bad, his letters about the places he’d been, people he met and the things he’d seen, cementing the idea of joining SOLDIER firmly in Hyousuke’s head. So, when Hyousuke was sixteen and old enough to leave the orphanage, he followed in Daniko’s footsteps and joined SOLDIER.


Like many hopefuls, Hyousuke applied to SOLDIER, filling out each required form with relative ease. When it came to answers about his family and such, Hyo found it hard to answer; having never been reunited with Tia and Tanzu. As such, he would fill in ‘none’ and move on. His aptitude score on the other hand, due to many past brawls and matches in his younger years, coupled with natural ability, ranked higher than expected. Hyousuke entered SOLDIER’s training camp where he spent the next while training and improving himself. For the most part, the young recruit remained quiet, focused on one single goal; passing the recruit phase and sending money back to the orphanage to support those who had been left behind.

During the review of the hopefuls, Hyousuke stood proud and tall, front of his class as Genesis, Angeal and Sephiroth walked along the line. His idolization of the big three, along with all other First class SOLIDER officers, making him slightly nervous. Shortly before the big three reached his sector however, another recruit stationed behind him, shoved the young man and caused him to stumble out of line and hit the dirt right in front of his idols. Naturally humiliated, Hyousuke found himself face to face with Angeal for a moment as the first class helped him to his feet. Hyousuke got up and apologized, saluting and keeping his gaze down. He then chanced a glance at the three men, noticing the slightly disapproving look that was returned by the silver haired SOLDIER as he passed. As he returned to his spot, the young man knew he couldn’t make another error like that again.

After that day, Hyousuke trained harder and graduated as a Second Class SOLDIER, being reunited for a time with Daniko and sharing a few missions together. When not embroiled in a mission together, the pair would regularly message one another to keep spirits up and see how they each were. Being a second class SOLDIER, Hyousuke steadily got to see the world and better himself, growing stronger and more agile by the day. When he had time, he would write to the orphanage to make sure they received the money he would send with each pay check, hoping to hear at least a whisper about Tia and Tanzu; though, word on his siblings never came.

During a mission in his country of Wutai, Hyousuke found himself heavily outmatched against several beasts and Wutai rebels after his helicopter was brought down deep in the forest. He fought hard, not wanting to be bested so quickly, yet his enemy knew the terrain and landscape far better, allowing for a harsh advantage. Things looked grave for the second class officer, reinforcements for the enemy showing up faster than he could take them down. However, a short time later; a slash of aura whipped through the air, taking down most of the attackers. A few seconds later, the silver haired first class officer, Sephiroth walking out of trees to his right. After the enemies had been cleared, and the nearest safe zone being a two day hike through enemy territory, Hyousuke patched himself up as best he could before following after the other male in awe.

The two day hike was fraught with dangers, several times the pair were separated and faced ambushes. During this, the injured SOLDIER held his own while he searched for Sephiroth, on route to the safe zone. Caught by surprise the second day, Hyousuke found himself in a spar against the silver haired male; Hyousuke fighting his hardest and holding off Sephiroth until he physically couldn’t anymore. Sephiroth then stopped the assault after landing two harsh burning blows, one to Hyousuke’s throat and another to his face. He then tossed Hyousuke a potion with a smirk; seemingly satisfied with the younger officer; and nodded before leading Hyo to the waiting helicopter. Once back at base, Hyousuke was informed that from time to time; he’d be assisting Sephiroth, should the silver haired male feel the need for support.

The next few months where filled with several heavy missions in which Hyo performed well, enjoying himself and his new found strength after his battle with Sephiroth. Hyousuke worked with the other on a few missions, watching him and learning from him when he could. He also kept in touch with Daniko, updating him with all the goings on. One day however, things started to change once again for the young SOLDIER. Daniko had asked to meet with him by the public archive building to which Hyousuke naturally agreed as he was his best friend. When Hyo arrived, he found Daniko hunched over a stack of burning records, records of himself but also Hyousuke, too. When Hyousuke asked Daniko to explain, he was met with answers that baffled him, Daniko telling him that things weren’t right with Shin-Ra, that SOLDIERS weren’t as they appeared and things were changing. He warned Hyousuke to disappear, to get out while he could; as Daniko was doing. Hyousuke was shocked and confused as Daniko handed him his second class SOLDIER blade, then took off into the evening air.

A few days later, Hyousuke received news from a friend of Daniko’s that Daniko, like several others had deserted SOLDIER. The official report sent out to the masses conflicting this; stating they had been killed in action.

-ESCAPE FROM SHINRA- [After Crisis Core]

After Sephiroth defected from SOLDIER during Crisis Core, and due to his complex relationship formed with the former First Class Soldier when he received the burns on his face and neck, Hyousuke remained at his second class level for a short period of time, confused about Sephiroth, Daniko and the other reports he had heard. Unsure of why it was someone who had stood for such honor and pride within the ranks of Shin-ra’s top elite, Hyousuke did some digging in the archives, those records of himself and Daniko having been erased by his friend; yet records and reports pertaining to Sephiroth and others got him worried. His research then lead him to the laboratories of professor Hojo. There, what he found made him nervous. During this research period, Hyo was then captured by Hojo and subjected to a multiple painful experiments that lasted many months.

After his first escape from the clutches of the mad scientist, Hyousuke tried to find a safe area for him to seek refuge while he recovered, so return to the orphanage where he’d grown up; only to find that it was destroyed by Shin-ra to prevent links being formed between himself and the others who had joined SOLDIER from within. Furious yet afraid, he searched the wreckage and found the singed documents pertaining to his sisters, Tia and Tanzu’s adoption. Thinking it a long shot, but with no alternative, Hyousuke made a run for it and reached the home of his sisters, above the plate. Tia and Tanzu, now both grown women and with families of their own, both were shocked and glad to see him after such a long time, so gave him shelter while his body tried to eliminate the toxins injected during the experiments.
There, Hyo fell into a deep fever state and finally into a coma. Strands of his hair turned silver from the experimentation, his green eyes becoming more of a Mako blue. Awakening from the coma several months later, Hyousuke kept his head down, working as a carpenter yet nervously keeping an ear out for news on Sephiroth and Shin-Ra; only to be recaptured by the TURKS after a long battle and returned to Hojo. The infuriated yet ecstatic scientist, elated at how Hyousuke’s body had managed to expel the lower calibre bullets and heal, then sedated Hyousuke before transferring him in secret to a secondary facility where he continued to experiment on Hyousuke for a number of years. These secondary experiments leaving a mark on the young man. Due to accelerated healing and other unknown factors, triggered by the first round of experiments, Hyousuke’s body and mind began to change. Hyousuke began to feel and see things which weren’t there. From the corner of his eye, he would often see shadows, hints of silver hair or a blackened wing, just hovering out of sight but clear in his mind, along tingles and tinges; as if Sephiroth were close. These ‘signs’ being enough to keep him sane through months of experimentation that resulted in a secondary coma.

One year on, Hyousuke awoke totally alone in a small cabin deep within Wutai, without memory of how it was he had gotten there, or what had gone on. To this date, Hyousuke still cannot recall what lead to his freedom.

Hyousuke is tall and slightly muscular with bright green eyes that capture those who gaze into them and short black hair that tends to have a mind of its own sometimes. Below his eye, he has a tear drop shaped scar and a light scar across his neck from burns while out in the field on what he calls ‘a mission’. However the origin of these injuries are a closely guarded secret that Hyousuke tends to avoid speaking about.

After Crisis Core:
1) Hyousuke’s physical appearance changed drastically after his exposure to the first round of experimentation. His bright green eyes became Mako blue, losing their luster but gaining a new life. His muscles also grew heavily in size and his shock of black hair became rifled with streaks of silver. Hyousuke also gained several new scars on his arms and chest from the struggle encountered during his escape.

The secondary round of experimentation caused further changes to the young man’s body. His muscles grew, speed and strength increasing ten fold, while his immunity to toxins and chemicals meant little to no anesthesia would work upon him, meaning he had to be held in tougher and tougher restraints. His rich black hair lost all trace of black, being replaced by a light shade of Mako blue-green, while a scar around his eye seemed to hint at the eye having been entirely removed before growing back. Along his thighs, there is evidence of repeated incisions, along with faint markings across his entire frame, indicating hundreds of procedures.


To be filled later.

-Attitude/And behavior around people-
Hyousuke is generally quiet and nervous, but friendly enough and deeply caring for those he becomes friends with.

-Lú the green.-

While young and naive, Hyousuke’s innocent and sweet persona is suppressed heavily when the insanity of “Lú” is in full swing. Clouded and lost within an endless sea of voices that had given him intense strength during the years spent on the metal slab in Hojo’s laboratory, the tranquil outward form that graces Hyousuke’s appearance during his breaks is more of a shell. This shell only activates when the intensity of the ‘choking’ sensation brought on by the voices overwhelming him, reaches a critical point and Hyousuke ‘drowns’ for a period of time.

Lú is cunning, always seeming to be unarmed around his foes but never truly far from his blade. Possessing a tranquil and seemingly unshakably calm attitude, Lú, like many of the other coloured Tsviets, is resigned to live within a specific domain for the ‘safety’ of himself and others. His attire is simple enough yet pays homage to his Wutainese roots, a layered white Yukata and Hakama set, accented with green floral petals and green glowing ‘branches’ stating his position as a Tsviet. These are his preferred garments, given that they conceal the many scars covering his body from years of experimentation. Unlike Hyousuke, Lú prefers to have his hair tied back loosely to keep it off of his face.

Like Hyousuke, he has a very fluid rhythm of movement while in battle. Each move is measured, graceful and elegant like that of a dance but no less deadly. He will often only use his sheath to fight, preferring not to draw the actual blade when it is unnecessary.