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Akura-ou 😈 InsidiousSucreSpiritus



My Information


Full name: Akura-ou Kirihito

Member of the SugarSpirit Branch of the GrandSugarClan
ClanName: InsidiousSucreSpiritus
a/k/a Evil King
Species: Oni Yokai / Human
Height: 178 cm (5’10”)
Age: Might be over 600 years old

Demon Personality: … Very arrogant, violent, and confident in his powers. He was also shown to be quick tempered and somewhat of a brat that is used to getting his way. He was somewhat honest. He took pleasure in meaningless, blood thirsty, massacres which annoyed his partner, Tomoe, very much.

Human Personality: Slightly more compassionate
Arrived in the New World with Odanna
Association: Friend of Tomoe