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The Basics

Display Name

Dolly Dixie



Date of Birth

July 1, 1994

My Information




United States

Interested In

New Friends, Roleplaying


Name: Dolly Dixie Jones

Age: 1,0000 years, but she looks 19-20ish (her birthday is On 1 June 1796)

Dolly stands about 5 feet 5 inches ((not at all like her mun, who is a short geek)). Her hair is auburn brown, which is always in a tangled mess of a braid. If you tease her about her size, she will simply snort and say: “I’m not short…I’m simply fun sized…so there.”

She has a dapple grey mustang that she has captured from the wild and trained from day one. The various small scars on her arms are proof of said training. She loves to ride Elvis on the hard trails, and loves the feeling of the wind through her braided hair. At times, she trains Elvis for barrel riding, and even his stubborn streak shows there.
She just adopted a female corgi named Liberty whom she thinks of as her one and only…seeing as how she does not have a boyfriend yet. She is deeply considering adopting a retired greyhound to keep Liberty and she company.
Dolly is the biggest geek of anyone out there. She’ll be quoting “Monty Python” line from line, in the blink of an eye, for example, if someone would get her started.
She also has a tendency to go out to her stable and sing in a soprano voice to herself, when she’s alone.
Dolly has a sailor’s mouth on her. If you tick her off enough, she will cuss you out until you will be blushing like a schoolgirl. You’ve been warned.

During the Civil War, Dolly was one of the fortunate few who did not have to go out into the battle that took the lives of so many of her friends. She was a volunteer nurse that helped with the field injuries, causing her to be mentally scarred at the things she saw.
When Andrew Johnson became president after Lincoln’s assassination, Dolly was busy helping behind the scenes wherever she was needed. If the president needed to have some errands run, that seemed simple, he turned to her.
In 1897, when Tennessee celebrated its centennial of statehood, Dolly was proud to be around when the full scale replica of the Parthenon was constructed for the celebration, located in what is now Nashville’s Centennial Park.

Do want/DO NOT WANT:

Smut is a definite yes please. If it needs to go over PG-13, take it to the PM, because, honestly, who wants to see that on their profiles? Not me. Pictures and Fluff with Dolly is definitely another yes because adorable is always welcome. Hetro, crack, AU, historic (to a degree)

Gore, Vore , scat, Angst (like, really really bad angst)
On the topic of romance, her e-zones are her neck, and her ears…as for the other areas…you’ll have to find them for yourself…

About the RPer:
Hai~! I’m Beth!
When I first started playing Dolly, I was doing it for the sake of my entertainment. I’m VERY shy and hard on myself when it comes to criticisms, so PLEASE do us both a favor and be nice about it.
If Dolly seems like someone you want to RP with, post “I tried sniffing coke, but the ice cubes got stuck in my nose..”.