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Cannolo Murolo (Scontroso+Paranoico)



My Information


Full Name: Cannolo Murolo
Race: Human
Stand: All Along Watchtower ( deck of cards allowing Cannolo to seemingly divine information.)
Occupation: Passione Gangster, more specifically Data Analysis Team Supervisor
Loyal to Giorno Giovanna
Affiliated with: Passione Gang, Friend/Foe of the GrandSugarClan and JJBA BizarroSugar Division

“Cannolo has a dour personality, constantly grumbling against something and thinking that his teammates owe him respect because of age, although he also generally respects his superiors. Cannolo is also deeply paranoid because of his job. He considers anything out of the ordinary to be suspicious…Cannolo was self-described as a shallow man who had nothing to believe in and didn’t have a care in the world, notably about the crimes he’s done, and only acted for his benefit. However, his meeting with Giorno changed him. Cannolo looks up to Giorno and currently tries to uphold Giorno’s code and is deeply loyal to him.”

Strange events lead him to inexplicably show up in the Skyrie Universe. A new parallel universe which was both similar and different from back home.


// Admin Note: I don’t rp via inbox or chat. And I don’t respond to messages.

Main Images for this character: Cannolo of JJBA and Roman Torchwick of RWBY